How should connectors face the challenges of the 5G trend?
In the past, traditional connectors only had to have three performances: mechanical equipment performance, electrical equipment performance, and natural environment performance. With the advent of the 5G era, high-speed transmission technical connectors are also responsible for converting electronic signals and light signals. Important task
In the past, traditional connectors only had to have three performances: mechanical equipment performance, electrical equipment performance, and natural environment performance. With the advent of the 5G era, high-speed transmission technical connectors are also responsible for converting electronic signals and light signals. The important task, in addition, the interface mode of the capacitive gate has gradually changed to wireless network transmission. Naturally, faster and low-latency transmission is followed by innovations in Internet of Things technology Internet big data, which will inevitably make the overall design of the product more complicated, but the overall cost still needs to be manipulated within a certain range. Therefore, the connector is faced with the challenges of high precision, high reliability, miniaturization and relative cost reduction. In fact, the challenge is not limited to this...
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